Snacks - Mama Yo!



Written by : Geneviève Nadeau, RD, Nutritionist

Published on : 07-03-2016

To make it through the day, children need lots of energy (calories), but they can’t eat enormous quantities of food at one sitting because their stomachs are small. That’s why it’s important to offer them energy-rich snacks between meals throughout the day. Here are some allergen-free snack ideas that are ideal for school or daycare!
– A fruit mousse: a mixture of silky tofu with fresh or frozen fruit, crushed in an electric mixer
– Raw vegetables: mini carrots, Lebanese cucumbers and mushrooms with a dip made with Mama Yo! and bean purée
– A banana parfait: layers of natural yogurt (2 % of fat or more), granola and banana slices in a small plastic glass
– A homemade fruit muffin with a glass of milk or enriched vegetable drink
– A bowl of fruit salad with cheese cubes
– Mini-pitas stuffed with a mix of puréed avocado, Mama Yo!, grilled peppers and lentils

Eating healthy snacks between meals can help both children and adults maintain a good energy level at school or work! Combine a food rich in carbohydrates (fruit, muffin) with a source of protein (cheese) for a complete meal.

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